Chapter 13


          Bobby was saying, “I’m good at stir fry, don’t you think? All that chilli and garlic and the smell, it fills the house, doesn’t it? Almost as good as the food. Want some wine? I’ve got a good white in the fridge. Not sure what sort it is but the label’s fancy enough so it should be ok.” It was early evening and they were sitting at the small kitchen table Lilly staring at the bowl full of vegetables and prawns and noodles thinking it looked a mess but it did smell good. It had been a very warm afternoon and she had slept in a hammock spread between two trees in the shade in the garden. Now it was cooling down with the doors and windows open letting in a steady draft moving the air about and shuffling the heat away.

“I’ll have a small glass please. Only a very small one though. I don't drink too much these days.” She took a sip and sort of frowned thinking a fancy label is no indication. Ignoring the wine she said, “This is very good Bobby, where'd you learn to cook?”

“Nowhere. I’ve always lived on my own so just a case of trial and error and this is simple and easy and of course real healthy. Although I’ve not been too great on the health front in the past with smoking and lack of exercise. This is all fresh and not mucked about with though. I hate cooking anything complicated. Too much buying, too much prep, too much washing up, in fact too much of everything and it takes so long I’m full and drunk by the time it’s ready.”

“I’m curious. You said you’re broke but you came to see me with a good set of proposals. I don't really understand how that can be. You seem like you should be doing well.”

“The company I worked for folded. It turned out the owner had a gambling habit and liked a good time with a blonde on each arm so he spent all the cash. All the investor’s money as well. It all went up in a puff of smoke and my job with it.”

“But surely you could get another one. You seem very competent to me. There must be openings somewhere, aren’t there?”

“You’d think, wouldn't you? but it seems that’s not the case. I’ve applied for loads of jobs and will take virtually anything but want to stay in the financial sector if I can. It’s what I’m good at. At the moment though I’m that desperate I’ll take any job going but things are tough and jobs are scarce. Businesses aren’t hiring, especially financial ones. They’re shedding jobs. People don’t invest so much in hard times.”

“So you will take anything then, including kidnapping it would seem?”

“Including kidnapping though I kind of feel I’ve been sort of bullied into it.”

“How bad are things for you then?”

“Well, I’ve sold my house for less than it’s worth and anything else that’s worth something and I’ve got a few pounds left and that’s it. I’m going to move in with Donny and look for any sort of work to tide me over. Then I’ll just have to see what happens I suppose.

“What about family?”

“My parents died a few years back. Car crash. I have a younger brother but he’s up north and I don’t see him much. Anyway he’s got a family and struggles.”

“You said you’ve always lived alone. You’ve never had the chance to settle down?”

“Never met anyone I liked enough. They were mostly I want a good time sort of girls who spent my money demanding double brandies in the nightclubs and they soon drifted off. I think I kind of attracted them, the party type of girls that is. But I’ve just met this girl Gloria, who’s terrific. She’s different and I really like her. There’s just something about her. For a start she’s the first one who’s really listened to me that’s interested. I like all the old films you see. All those silent movies. I don’t think she’s too bothered with them, the silent ones, but she listens to what I go on about. I know I ramble but she doesn’t seem to mind. She just laughs. She has this kind of bubbly type of laugh, one of those little laughs and it makes the edges of her mouth sort of curl up and her eyes close up a bit and she’s got the cutest little creases that appear. Not a titter though, that would be a bit irritating, a titter would. No, it’s more than a titter. A titter belongs to those mischievous little girls sneaking behind the curtains and watching, doesn’t it? Gloria’s laugh is a genuine subtle display of pleasure….. I’m sorry. I’m rambling aren't I. You must find this all so boring?”

“Don’t be sorry, I actually like the way you talk. You’re so enthusiastic when you are talking about something you’re so passionate about. I noticed that when you were explaining the portfolio to me. You were really enthusiastic then trying to explain something you believed in. So what about Gloria? How long have you been seeing her? It sounds like it’s ages the way you talk about her.”

“Last Friday is when I met her. She works in a pub and I just called in there in the afternoon. Don’t know why really. I’d been to a job interview that was no good so just dropped in to find a late lunch. She makes a great ham and cheese sandwich. I like Gloria Swanson movies and had this vision of what all Gloria’s should look like and she didn’t fit so I asked her if she was really a Gloria then went on about a few films. Then asked her to come and see some at my place which she did. So I’ve only seen her the once but that was enough. I’m already hooked. She seems so happy but I think she’s struggling a bit. As I said she has this real bubbly character but I think it kind of masks how she really is. Just a guess but it’s the impression I get.”

“When are you seeing her again? I take it you are.”

“Well her next day off is Thursday so I was hoping to then but with all this kidnapping palaver I’m not so sure.”

“Don’t worry about me, I'm having the best fun I’ve had in a long time. Give her a call. Get her round here. I’d really like to meet her. You make her seem so nice. Go on phone her or I’ll nag you until you will want to send me back.”

So Bobby picked up his phone.

“Hi Bobby watcha want?” said Gloria with her laughing voice.

“You free tomorrow then? You said it’s your normal day off.”

“Sure. Sid should be ok with that. I’m sure he won’t mind me being off two days in the week. Why?”

“I'm with someone who wants to meet you. Can I pick you up about nine in the morning?”

“Why not. I'll be ready.”




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