Chapter 6


“Sleep all right?” said Donny. He was sitting in the kitchen at the two-seater table that looked like it came from a junk shop and probably did. The kettle was boiling and there was a smell of burnt toast.” 

“I could tell you that I did. All I can really say is I’m real glad I didn’t eat all that Chinese and what I did eat did not go with half a bottle of Bourbon. I’ll have some of that coffee please,” said Bobby as he came in with that sort of look that was tinged with regret with those water rimmed red eyes of a night after look and grumpy. He was feeling uncharacteristically grumpy.  

         “And toast?” 

“And toast. But not the burnt sort. That smell is evil, that burnt toast smell is. Gets up your nose, doesn't it? And it lingers. I don’t mind well done but none of that black stuff if you can manage it please. With Marmite. I need Marmite and all that salty taste.” 

“You are a bit on the suffering side, aren’t you. Not my fault, the toast, my toasters having a bad one as well. You going to cheer up or what?” 

“I’m sorry. My head hurts. I’ll be alright after caffeine so make it real strong and that’ll do the trick I’m sure. It’s all this stuff getting to me a bit I think. The job and money stuff.” 

Donny said, “I’m sure it’ll get sorted soon and there’s always Gloria who’ll cheer you up. With the money thing I’ve been thinking. You know what you said about going out robbing, well…” 

“You know I only said it as a joke, don’t you.” 

“I know, that’s why I’ve been thinking. What about kidnap or to be more precise, ladynap?” 

“What about it? I don’t know too much about that either. Just that you snatch someone, send a note and collect a suitcase from the phone box down the road.” 

“But I do and it could get you sorted,” said Donny with some enthusiasm. 

“How d’you know anything like that?” 

“Just say a chequered past. It’s simple.” 

“Oh yeah, I don’t see too much that’s all that simple.” 

“I’ll sort out the details all you’d have to do is babysit the old lady until the money’s paid.” 

“What old lady?” 

“The one you’re seeing Monday. The rich one.” 

“Right, so I’d be what, like a childminder but a lady-minder? Is that it?” 

“That’s it. We pick her up - There’s no risk with that we’ll wear masks and she won’t even see you. Then we take her to a nice house and hold her for a while.” 

“Simple as that?” 

“As simple as that?” 

“And when we get caught? What happens then?” 

“Come on Bobby, it'll be a breeze. What’s there to object to?” 

“Being a kidnapper and getting caught, that’s what.” 

“Trust me we won’t get caught and if we do I’ll take the heat. That’s a given. There’ll be no downside for you. I’m that confident.” 

“Right, so the cops bust down the door of our nice neat house swinging their guns about shouting and yelling and rescue the lady. What do I do, jump out the window? I'll be banged up with you.” 

“It won’t come to that, will it? What do you think I am? If I wasn’t so sure I’d not suggest it, Would I? It'll be simple. What can go wrong? All you gotta do is keep the mask on. No one will know where we are and if we want we can set her free anytime. No one gets hurt. And you’ll be set. You can buy a house and get all safe and cosy again. Maybe with Gloria. How about that, life with Gloria in a bought and paid for house, paid for with all that tax free money.” 

“You sure about all this?” 

“Of course I’m sure. I’ve been involved before.” 

Well, I still dunno but there again… All this is getting to me. I gotta do something to get some cash and if there’s no risk… But you’d better be sure of all this. I don't want to be safe and cosy in a brick-built cupboard with a steel door and some old geezer in a blue suit and peaked cap looking through a peephole getting his kicks watching me pee.” 

“Don’t worry, I’ll have it all covered. I’ve thought about it and here’s what we do. How much cash have you left from the Rolex?” 

“About twelve hundred.” 

“We’ll need that, I can’t get that much organised over a weekend. I’ll pay you back. I guarantee it. I know this house out of town a bit that I rent short term now and then.  It’s down a long drive and isolated but close enough to a small store for bits. You go there this afternoon. What time d’you think?” 


“Ok, I’ll phone the owner to meet you then. He’ll not know who you are just that you come from me so if this does go wrong the comeback is to me. Give him a grand in cash and that’ll be for four weeks. It’s a nice place and all furnished. Then get enough bits for a week, meals for three and all that. Nice stuff though the lady’s rich and might want more than corn beef hash.” 

“That’s all no problem.” 

“Then on Monday you see the lady as you have already organised. Find out next of kin contact details. That shouldn’t be too hard if you're going through her financial stuff.” 

“What about her man Max? He’s always around.” 

“Ok. Maybe he’s away. I don’t know but with luck he might be but check that - what time he works until, and see if she’s going to be there Tuesday evening. Then Tuesday you and I pick her up. She’ll come without a struggle. ” 

“How d’you know that? I don’t want to be mixed up in any rough stuff. I’m not built for beating up old ladies.” 

“She will, they always do. I’ll handle that so don’t worry about it. Then we take her to the house when it’s dark. We wait and you entertain her. I’ll pick up masks and a scarf for a blindfold. How’s all that sound? You ok with it?” 

“I suppose so. But no tying. I don’t want her tied up.” 

“Sure no tying. So what you have planned for tomorrow?” 

“Sunday, isn’t it? Packing day. I’ve got the rest of the packing up to do. I want to get it done so I’m all ready when my solicitor gives the nod.” 

“Well take it easy. See the lady Monday then I’ll see you here Tuesday about lunch time. You ready to go soon, I’ve ordered a taxi for about fifteen minutes to go get the motors.” 

“Sure, no problem,” said Bobby, “the coffee’s working it’s magic and I’m getting back to normal.” 


Just as Bobby was getting in his car his phone rang, “Hi Bobby it’s me, Gloria. How’s Monday evening sound for our picture show?” 

“Good, I’ll pick you up?” 

“Sure, I’ll text the address. Come about seven.” 

“See you then.” and he hung up. 

He drove off heading for a stop at his place to collect the cash then to meet a man about a house then to have a think about gourmet shopping for Tuesday so it was all fresh. And of course not feeling at all sure about being a kidnapper but also that in a weird way he kind of trusted Donny.  


Driving back to his flat Donny felt reasonably happy. He had no reason to believe there was any imminent danger and felt he could not afford to jeopardise the investigation by acting prematurely. Providing Bobby did not have second thoughts he was satisfied that getting Lilly Beauchamp to a safe location by Tuesday evening would be sufficient. He was sure nothing of any consequence would happen until at least Wednesday. In the meantime he needed a meeting with his Guv’nor to review the investigation and he would spend the remaining time preparing the cottage. Bobby had the meeting with Lilly on Monday morning so he would have to wait until Tuesday to progress things which was after all the earliest time he could safely move Lilly. 




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